[Avon-theatre-news] AVON THEATRE NEWS

Skip Huston Skip at TheAvon.com
Wed Mar 7 14:11:34 EST 2007

Showtimes, Programs, Erudition and Miscellaneous Folderol 
WEEK OF FRIDAY, March 9th thru THURSDAY, March 15th ONLY!!

Thundering Action in 300 (R)
Peter O'Toole in his Best Actor Oscar-nominated role VENUS (R) (NOTE: One-Week-Only!!) 

For One More Week ONLY AMAZING GRACE (PG)         

Sandra Bullock in PREMONITION (PG13)
George Clooney,Tobey Maguire & Cate Blanchett in THE GOOD GERMAN (R) (NOTE: One-Week-Only!!) 

300 (R) For you fans of ancient history out there, here is the latest re-telling of the fabulous story of the brave 300 Spartans (in fact that was the name of the original version, "The 300 Spartans" , which I saw at the Avon Theater in 1962!!) who stood up to a gazillion Persians in the battle of Thermopylae. This starts heart-throb Gerard Butler (a real favorite with the ladies since "The Phantom of the Opera"), and is done in that remarkable graphic-novel technique that was pioneered with the movie "Sin City". This is NOT for everybody! The battle scenes are intense, and the film moves at a breakneck pace, simply bursting with bravado and triumph. It will be a treat to see on The Avon's biggest-screen-in-Decatur!!!

300 (R)
(Showtimes in brackets denote $5.50 "Bargain Matinees")
FRI: (5:00) - (8:00)
SAT & SUN: (2:00) - (5:00) - 8:00
MON thru THURS: 7:15

VENUS (R) This could very easily be the last time Peter O'Toole will ever be nominated for a Best-Actor Oscar. I know it is right to "never say never", but time and logic will probably prevail here. He did not win at last Sunday's Oscars, and lost to Forest Whitaker's ferocious performance in "The Last King of Scotland", but he was one of the "ones-to-beat" in that race. Many believed he would take the prize anyway due to a "sentimental" vote... Here for a very limited time is the comedy-drama about an ageing actor and his friendship with a much younger, and troubled, young woman.
(Showtimes in brackets denote $5.50 "Bargain Matinees")
FRI: (4:15) - 7:15
SAT: (1:15) - (4:15) - 7:15
SUN: (1:15) - (4:15)
MON thru THURS: 6:35

AMAZING GRACE (PG) And now it is almost time to say goodbye to this wonderful movie! When we say "this will stir your soul", we really mean it! One of the most definitive "Avon movies" to come along in a very long time, this true story of a little-known hero, and the real story behind that incredible iconic song, is a real winner!
BUT...IT ENDS WEDNESDAY!!! So YOU Better Hurry!!!
(Showtimes in brackets denote $5.50 "Bargain Matinees")
FRI: (4:00) - 7:00
SAT: (1:00) - (4:00) - 7:00
SUN: (1:00) - (4:00)
MON thru WED: 6:30
by the ol' Pop-a-roo Hisself, Mr. P
Nachos and Hot-Dogs and 'corn, oh my!
That's right, all you little poppers out there, we will be adding Nachos and Hot-Dogs to our
concession stands VERY soon!!
Can you believe it?
It took a long time for The Avon's "Popcorn Elves" to convince me this was something we should do!
But now that the decision has been made, let's rock!!!
And, who knows? Maybe in the future we add Hot Pretzels, Pickles, and Ice Cream too!
(We used to have Ice Cream years ago, but the freezer broke and we never replaced it).

Soooooo, look for Hot-Dogs and Nachos soon!!

(And, who knows, we may even revisit the Beer & Wine issue that we fought so hard for!
We got it all approved, and changed the law in Decatur, and then never did anything about it!
Maybe it is time we did!!)
'til next time, Mr. P
So, Who Knew??
Congrats to my nephew Greg Jenkins for winning the University of Illinois student short-film
award! Greg and his friends had never done anything like this before, but got an idea 
that tickled their fancy...
Now, they are budding Spielbergs!!
AND, their leading actor worked for FREE!! (It was a SLINKY! Remember those???)
What's next, Greg? The private life of an Etch-a-Sketch? Adventures with Play-doh??
Or, howsabout, Barbie Goes to Rehab?? :-)
And congrats to our Assistant Manager "jewel" Sarah Sloan on her wedding engagement to
 another of our staffers, Casey Henderson!! Sarah and Casey are top-notch people, and a
proud asset to our staff! They plan a 2009 ceremony (when they are done with college).
Make sure you tell Sarah "good on ya'"when you see her.

Come See Me Soon!!
I'll Be Looking for You and You and YOU!!!!

Skip Huston

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