[Avon-theatre-news] AVON THEATER NEWS---JANUARY 6th, 2012

Skip Huston Skip at TheAvon.com
Wed Jan 4 13:34:58 EST 2012

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 MY WEEK WITH MARILYN (R) Michelle Williams as the iconic blonde bombshell is sure to get an Oscar nod for this!!

 WAR HORSE (PG13) Hands-down, the BEST movie of 2011!! See it on the Avon's giant screen!

 WE BOUGHT A ZOO (PG) Matt Damon & Scarlett Johansson in a family fun favorite!!

 TINKER, TAILOR, SOLDIER, SPY (R) The NEW version of the famous spy novel! This is excellent!

 MISSION IMPOSSIBLE-The Ghost Protocol (PG13) So many of you wanted it at THE AVON, we decided to bring it in for ONE WEEK ONLY!!

 THE IRON LADY (PG13) Meryl Streep is Oscar-bound for her portrayal of Margaret Thatcher!

 THE ARTIST (PG13) Yes, they CAN make them like they used to! Here is one of most talked-about films of the year!


Ok, folks...
This isn't one of those "canned" blurbs here...
This is the "Head Honcho" himself speaking out about an incredible movie!

Because of how busy we were during the holidays, I didn't get a chance to actually sit in the theater and watch this movie until it had been playing almost a week.
Yes, I loved the huge crowds coming for it, and I heard the applause after EVERY showing, but still, when we are that busy, I can't just drop out of the world to join you in the theater and expect things will run to my standards (which are VERY high and exacting standards, believe me!).

Finally, last Saturday I got a chance!
I need to tell each and every one of you this is a film for the classic shelf!
Steven Spielberg has outdone himself here (and that is saying a whole lot!).

So much heart and passion is built into every frame of this movie!
If you thought "they can't make 'em like they used to", you will be eating your words when you see this!

AND...I have decided to KEEP IT IN THE BIG THEATER for one more week!
Because it is a movie that the old Avon, with the area's BIGGEST SCREEN just seems to lend itself to.

If you saw this at one of those bland "other guys" multiplexes, you owe it to yourself to see it again in a REAL theater!

(Showtimes in brackets denote $5.75 "Bargain Matinees")
FRI: (4:15) - 7:30  
SAT: (1:00) - (4:15) - 7:30  
SUN: (1:00) - (4:15)
MON thru THURS: 6:15

In the early summer of 1956, 23 year-old Colin Clark (Eddie Redmayne), just down from Oxford and determined to make his way in the film business, worked as a lowly assistant on the set of 'The Prince and the Showgirl'. The film that famously united Sir Laurence Olivier (Kenneth Branagh) and Marilyn Monroe (Michelle Williams), who was also on honeymoon with her new husband, the playwright Arthur Miller (Dougray Scott). Nearly 40 years on, his diary account The Prince, the Showgirl and Me was published, but one week was missing and this was published some years later as My Week with Marilyn - this is the story of that week. When Arthur Miller leaves England, the coast is clear for Colin to introduce Marilyn to some of the pleasures of British life; an idyllic week in which he escorted a Monroe desperate to get away from her retinue of Hollywood hangers-on and the pressures of work.
‘The Descendants’ is the best movie I’ve seen this year. I hope hordes of people go to see it…and that it inspires other filmmakers.
Watching a film as mature, moving, original and unpredictable as ‘The Descendants’ renews my faith in American movies, and reaffirms Alexander Payne’s status as one of our most gifted storytellers. He has also bestowed the gift of an exceptional role on George Clooney, who gives the best performance of his career. Clooney can be a charmer, but here he embodies a character devoid of that trait. He’s a successful lawyer in Hawaii who, as he freely admits, has become so consumed by work that he has neglected his wife and two daughters. Fate intervenes when his wife is injured in a water-skiing accident that puts her in a coma. Overnight, he is forced to become a full-time father to his alienated teenage daughter (Shailene Woodley) and her younger sister, who needs to be sheltered from the dire news about her mom. In the midst of this, Clooney also has to make a momentous decision about a huge parcel of virgin land on the island of Kauai that is owned by his large, diverse family. The challenge in describing the film is that it doesn’t neatly fit into any pigeonhole. It’s a serious movie that happens to have a sense of humor, because Payne and his collaborators see the absurdity in everyday existence. They know that life can turn tragic in the blink of an eye and an encounter between two characters can play out as high drama or be undercut by humor. That’s one of the qualities that distinguishes all of Payne’s movies and makes this one so special. (The screenplay was first developed by Nat Faxon and Jim Rash from a little-known novel by Kaui Hart Hemmings.)Hawaii is more than just a backdrop for the story; it is part and parcel of the characters’ lives, which becomes clearer as the story progresses. That’s not to say that there aren’t breathtaking beauty shots peppered throughout the film; they help us understand what this island paradise means to the people who live there full-time and call it home.Although he’s inevitably described as “director Alexander Payne,” it is his writing, usually in collaboration with Jim Taylor, which helps define the filmmaker’s sensibilities. While he’s not above making fun of his characters (think of the hapless schoolteacher played by Matthew Broderick in ‘Election’, or the often-clueless Jack Nicholson in ‘About Schmidt’) he never trivializes them. There is an unexpectedly funny moment in ‘The Descendants’ in which Clooney, fired up with rage, impulsively runs to a friend’s house…but because he’s wearing flip-flops, the dramatic impetus for the scene is somewhat defused by audience laughter at the sheer incongruity of the moment. That’s Payne in a nutshell. Clooney’s character isn’t a bad person; he’s imperfect, like most of us, and in the face of some extraordinary challenges, he tries to summon his better self. That’s what I love about ‘The Descendants’: it makes us reflect about how we conduct our lives, and how we might strive to be better.‘The Descendants’ is the best movie I’ve seen this year. I hope hordes of people go to see it…and that it inspires other filmmakers. Watching a film as mature, moving, original and unpredictable as ‘The Descendants’ renews my faith in American movies, and reaffirms Alexander Payne’s status as one of our most gifted storytellers. He has also bestowed the gift of an exceptional role on George Clooney, who gives the best performance of his career. Clooney can be a charmer, but here he embodies a character devoid of that trait. He’s a successful lawyer in Hawaii who, as he freely admits, has become so consumed by work that he has neglected his wife and two daughters. Fate intervenes when his wife is injured in a water-skiing accident that puts her in a coma. Overnight, he is forced to become a full-time father to his alienated teenage daughter (Shailene Woodley) and her younger sister, who needs to be sheltered from the dire news about her mom. In the midst of this, Clooney also has to make a momentous decision about a huge parcel of virgin land on the island of Kauai that is owned by his large, diverse family. The challenge in describing the film is that it doesn’t neatly fit into any pigeonhole. It’s a serious movie that happens to have a sense of humor, because Payne and his collaborators see the absurdity in everyday existence. They know that life can turn tragic in the blink of an eye and an encounter between two characters can play out as high drama or be undercut by humor. That’s one of the qualities that distinguishes all of Payne’s movies and makes this one so special. (The screenplay was first developed by Nat Faxon and Jim Rash from a little-known novel by Kaui Hart Hemmings.)Hawaii is more than just a backdrop for the story; it is part and parcel of the characters’ lives, which becomes clearer as the story progresses. That’s not to say that there aren’t breathtaking beauty shots peppered throughout the film; they help us understand what this island paradise means to the people who live there full-time and call it home.MY WEEK WITH MARILYN  (R)
(Showtimes in brackets denote $5.75 "Bargain Matinees")
FRI: (5:15) - 8:15  
SAT: (2:15) - (5:15) - 8:15
SUN: (2:15) - (5:15) 
MON thru THURS: 7:05

Acclaimed filmmaker Cameron Crowe (Jerry Maguire, Almost Famous) directs an amazing and true story about a single dad who decides his family needs a fresh start, so he and his two children move to the most unlikely of places: a zoo. With the help of an eclectic staff, and with many misadventures along the way, the family works to return the dilapidated zoo to its former wonder and glory. Stars Matt Damon & Scarlett Johansson.
(Showtimes in brackets denote $5.75 "Bargain Matinees")
FRI: (5:00) - 8:00 
SAT: (2:00) - (5:00) - 8:00
SUN: (2:00) - (5:00) 
MON thru THURS: 7:00


So, the holiday season is over for another year, and we are all still catching our breath.
We've seen a LOT of new customers coming this year!
You can tell they're new because they can't tell what is playing in the big Avon or the Twins (it's so easy to discern that fact once you know the simple trick), and sooooo many of them COME LATE!!!

It is my opinion the multiplexes have tainted the movie-goers with their 20+ minutes of inane commercials. 
We are not talking "previews" here, but annoying and insulting bits about personal hygiene products, and beer, and a myriad of other junk that have no business being touted on the movie screen!

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE get the word out THE AVON does not do that insulting and disrespectful foolishness like, it seems, every other theater in the area does!
(Of course, we DO play our 15 second St Mary's hospital ad, but there is a good reason for that being the only ad, and very worthwhile too!)

In fact, because those greed-myopic "other guys" have so ruined the time and space continuum for all of you, I have just made a new rule for my staff that NO ONE CAN BE SEATED after the actual movie itself has been on for 15 or more minutes!

Just like with our "zero tolerance policy" on cell phones, texting and disruptive talking and behavior, it looks like it falls to us again to hold the line between multiplex "McTheater" idiocy and providing a great movie experience for all of you!

I just feel it is unfortunate there are not more theaters out there who realize their greedy antics and lack of crowd control is what is ruining our business.
But, that's why we hear constantly there is no place like the Avon anywhere else!!!
Come See Me Soon!
-Skip Huston  

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