[Avon-theatre-news] AVON THEATER EXTRA! EXTRA!

Skip Huston Skip at TheAvon.com
Fri Jul 8 15:16:42 EDT 2011

Just in case some of you are a little concerned about what some of the more trendy and vapid journalists are saying about the wonderful movie "LARRY CROWNE", which is a HUGE hit at THE AVON (but NOT at the MALLS of America, hahahaha!)...Here is one of my favorite film critics, Champaign-Urbana's Chuck Koplinski, weighing in on this matter.
WARNING: "Larry Crowne" does NOT have Superheroes, Fighting Robots, Raunchy Humor, or obnoxious, headache-inducing 3D!
In short: It's a movie YOU, the "Avonian" should LOVE!!!
Larry Crowne  A Paen to the Common Man

By Chuck Koplinski 

Baseball manager Leo Durocher once said, “Nice guys finish last.”  Well don’t tell that to Larry Crowne.  He has his share of troubles but he never fails to approach each day with a smile and a positive attitude.  Yet even his rose-colored glasses get a bit blurred when he’s fired from his job at big box retailer and told his lack of a college education prevents him from advancing in the company, despite nine Employee-of-the-Month awards.  Pragmatic guy that he is, Larry enrolls at the local community college and ends up in a speech class taught by a burnt out instructor (Julia Roberts) who struggles with a loser husband and a growing drinking problem. 

It’s easy to see why Tom Hanks would be attracted to Larry Crowne.  The title role is right in his wheelhouse and he fills this eternal optimist’s shoes without breaking a sweat.  That he co-wrote and directs the film speaks of his passion for the project as well. And while the script does have its share of problems (it’s woefully simplistic at times) there’s an affable feel to this film that’s hard to resist. 

What with dealing with unemployment, facing foreclosure and forced to deal with a world that’s passed him by, Larry is an Everyman for today, a character many can empathize with as he’s forced to hit the restart button.  There’s something heroic in the way he diligently hunkers down in a booth at the restaurant he works at once his shift is done in order and tackles his homework.  Hanks embodies the character’s noble qualities in a way only he can and his earnestness helps us overlook the movie’s faults.

While we’ve come to appreciate firemen and police officers more in the last decade, the efforts of those who get up and work hard, look out for others and act with honor in a time when fatcats grow plumper and sloth and eccentric behavior are rewarded have been overlooked. Larry Crowne is not a great film but any means but it is one for our times as it gently reminds us that the potential for quiet heroics present themselves each day.  That Larry realizes this and acts upon it makes him a king among men.   By Chuck Koplinski (used with permission)

So, what more do you need, folks? Get thy rear in gear and come see LARRY CROWNE this weekend!!

-Skip Huston
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